tisdag 20 december 2011

Hypotese conserning Mercury, Iodine and Chlorine

As I see it this chain of happenings get this hypotheses to fall out.

The amalgam fillings leaks Hg
This is know an accepted knowledge.

We also know that Hg is hard if not impossible to get free from when it has infiltrated our body.
We also know that the target is our nerve system because it bound to its myelin. Myelin is fat and contains Sulfur (S) Hg bind to it.

The kidneys are also a main target for mercury. We now that a lot of mercury stays there.
When the levels of Mercury reach a critical level the symptom of intoxination shows and we get sick!

If someone have gone so far that person have always easy to get sick again, a small part of Hg can be a disaster for that person!

However, it appears now that ther is another way to get sick;

If someone has collected  mercury in their body some level lower than the point of sickness and that person in some way got an halogen into their body that halogen forms a salt when it get in connection with hg, ex mercuryiodine. It is the Hg in your kidneys together with ex Iodine witch form the dangerous poison.

 You get acute sick.
Mercuryiodine and mercuryclorid are very toxic as well as mercuryvapor. The symptom of this intox differ from a "clean" Hg-vapor intox!

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